Mehaaniline liikumine
Pass of the hour


From Tartu to Tallinn?

In fact, we have gps and Wase and the like. But still, if we're going somewhere, when would we get there?
Liikumine ja kiirus

Road length and speed: we remind you

Read the text and remember how the speed of bodies is calculated. Answer the question.

Uniform rectilinear motion and variable motion

Milline liikumine on ühtlane sirgjooneline, milline muutuv - tutvu õppematerjaliga ja vasta küsimustele.

Keskmine kiirus

Mis on ja kuidas arvutatakse keskmist kiirust? Tutvu õppematerjaliga ja vasta küsimustele.

Liikumise suhtelisus

Liikumise suhtelisus

A car moving at a constant speed

Let's build a car that moves at a constant speed

Assemble a car moving at a constant speed from the set of test equipment. Test it. Answer the question.

We plan an experiment

Plan an experiment to measure the speed of a car moving at a constant speed. Answer the question.

We measure the speed of the car

Take measurements. Enter the results into a table. Calculate the speed of your car. Answer the question.
When would we arrive?

How much time would it take?

Read the text. Do the calculations. Answer the question.
Another challenge

Driving to victory in a different way

Read the task description. Organize a competition. Analyze its results.
Knowledge control

Teadmiste kontroll: mehaaniline liikumine

Check your knowledge and understanding by answering the questions.

Liikumine ja kiirus: tähtsad laused

Here are important phrases that you should take away from this lesson.