Light as energy

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Objects left in the light will heat up. Items left in the sun for a long time will fade. Solar cells are used to generate electricity. At the expense of which energy do these processes take place?

Light has energy . When the light energy is absorbed, the bodies heat up. When fading, the color molecules break down under the influence of light energy and the color changes. Vision is also based on a chemical reaction - light causes chemical reactions in the light-sensitive cells of the eye. Photosynthesis also takes place at the expense of light energy.

Solaarium tekitab kunstlikku ultravalgust.

Ultralight photons have higher energy , and so ultralight can be dangerous for humans. Under the influence of ultralight, people tan - the skin turns brown. However, staying in the sun for a long time can cause redness and inflammation of the skin - this is due to excessive ultraviolet light, which is the result of a photochemical reaction triggered in the skin. In addition to skin redness, excessive ultraviolet light can also cause skin cancer, and ultraviolet light has a deadly effect on microorganisms.

The ozone layer (O 3 ) located in the upper layers of the atmosphere protects the Earth from excessive ultraviolet light. Ultralight levels vary greatly in different regions of the Earth, as the thickness of the ozone layer is not the same everywhere. Places where the ozone layer is depleted are called ozone holes. In these areas, dangerous amounts of ultralight reach the ground.

Infrared light is emitted by all warm bodies , that's why it can also be called heat radiation - we perceive it as heat when we are near a fire or a hot stove. The thermal radiation of bodies with a higher temperature is stronger, we do not physically perceive the thermal radiation of cold bodies. Very intense heat radiation can also cause burns, ignite or melt objects.

Vasakpoolne pilt on tehtud tavalise, parempoolne termokaameraga. Termokaamera (ka soojuskaamera või infrapunakaamera) registreerib infravalgust. Infravalguse lainepikkus näitab, milline on vaadeldavate objektide temperatuur. See on väga kasulik näiteks majade soojapidavuse uurimisel, sest soojad kohad on just need, kust soojusenergia majast välja pääseb.

It is also important to remember that without the energy of light, the Earth would just be a cold piece of rock. Everything that we see living and moving around us on a daily basis receives its energy either directly or indirectly from the Sun and mainly as light energy, be it the wind, the formation of rain clouds, the growth of plants or the development of organisms.

Although the Sun heats only one side of the Earth at a time, the daily temperature on Earth does not fluctuate much - the Earth is surrounded by an atmosphere that prevents the Earth from losing too much energy as heat radiation. For example, on our neighboring planet Mars, where the atmosphere is very thin, the temperature changes a lot during the day - the temperature can rise up to 25 ˚C during the day and drop to -125 ˚C at night.