Läätsed ja optilised süsteemid: tähtsad laused

Convex and concave lenses

The surfaces of the lenses are spherical and therefore turn the parallel light beam passing through them into a converging (if it is a convex lens) or a diverging light beam (if it is a concave lens).

The principal optical axis and optical center of the lens

The line connecting the centers of the spheres forming the surfaces of the lens is called the main optical axis of the lens. The optical center of the lens is the point located in the center of the lens on the principal optical axis.

Main axis of optical systems

The main optical axis of optical systems is an imaginary line on which the centers of all lenses and mirrors used in the system should be located in order for light to pass through them correctly. When performing our experiments, the optical axis is an auxiliary line for placing the object, lenses and other optical elements.

Lens focal length and focus

The focus of a convex lens is called the point where the parallel light beam falling on the lens is focused. The focal length is the distance between the focus and the optical center of the lens.

A diffusing lens. Focus of a diverging lens

In the case of a concave lens, the point at which the extensions of the scattered rays of the parallel light beam passing through the lens are called the focus of the lens. Since the extensions of the scattered rays converge on the other side of the lens, the focal length of a concave lens is conventionally minus.

Läätse optiline tugevus

Läätse optiliseks tugevuseks nimetatakse läätse fookuskauguse pöördväärtust:



Kahest või mitmest lähestikku asetsevast läätsest koosnevat optilist süsteemi nimetatakse liitläätseks.

Liitläätse optiline tugevus

Liitläätse optiline tugevus on võrdne üksikute läätsede optiliste tugevuste summaga:

Näiteks kui liitlääts koosneb kahest kumerläätsest, mille optilised tugevused on vastavalt ja , siis on nendest läätsedest koosneva liitläätse optiline tugevus .